Regimen Guide
Following a skincare regimen is like brushing your teeth, to be done morning and night!
Follow this simple step regimen for best results.
Not sure about your skin type?

Apply facial cleanser
Gently rinse your face with warm water, then apply your skin-type specific facial cleanser. Massage it into your skin, being careful not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.

Apply facial toner/astringent
Dampen a cotton ball or pad with your skin-type specific toner/astringent, and gently rub it across your face and neck, taking care not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Let the toner dry on your face and continue with the rest of your skincare regime.

Apply SPF 30
Dab small dots of SPF30 to your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Gently rub into skin until the cream has been fully absorbed.

Apply facial cleanser
Gently rinse your face with warm water, then apply your skin-type specific facial cleanser. Massage it into your skin, being careful not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.

Apply facial scrub
Wet your face, and gently massage the scrub into your skin. Rinse your face with warm water, and then pat dry. Use this product twice a week, or as needed.

Apply facial toner/astringent
Dampen a cotton ball or pad with your skin-type specific toner/astringent, and gently rub it across your face and neck, taking care not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Let the toner dry on your face and continue with the rest of your skincare regime.

Apply aloe moisturizer
Dab small dots of moisturizer to your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Gently rub into your skin until the cream has been fully absorbed.

Apply facial cleanser
Gently rinse your face with warm water, then apply your skin-type specific facial cleanser. Massage it into your skin, being careful not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.

Apply facial toner/astringent
Dampen a cotton ball or pad with your skin-type specific toner/astringent, and gently rub it across your face and neck, taking care not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Let the toner dry on your face and continue with the rest of your skincare regime.

Apply SPF 30
Dab small dots of SPF30 to your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Gently rub into skin until the cream has been fully absorbed.

Apply facial cleanser
Gently rinse your face with warm water, then apply your skin-type specific facial cleanser. Massage it into your skin, being careful not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.

Apply facial scrub
Wet your face, and gently massage the scrub into your skin. Rinse your face with warm water, and then pat dry. Use this product twice a week, or as needed.

Apply facial toner/astringent
Dampen a cotton ball or pad with your skin-type specific toner/astringent, and gently rub it across your face and neck, taking care not to get it in your eyes or mouth. Let the toner dry on your face and continue with the rest of your skincare regime.

Apply aloe moisturizer
Dab small dots of moisturizer to your forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Gently rub into your skin until the cream has been fully absorbed.